Game Ready Swamp Encounters – Direct Import to TaleSpire!


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Tier 1

RollEncounterCRTotal XP
13d6 Quipper030 to 180
21 Giant Toad1200
32d8 + 1 Kobolds1/875 to 425
43d6 Giant Rats1/875 to 450
52d4 Mud Mephits1/4100 to 400
61 Druid2450
7 2d10 Stirges1/850 to 500
81 Wight3700
91d4 + 2 Ogres21350 to 2700
101d4 Water Elementals51800 to 7200

Tier 2

RollEncounterCRTotal XP
12d4 Swarms of Quippers1400 to 1600
21d12 Ghoul1200 to 2400
31d6 + 2 Giant Toads1600 to 1600
41d4+1 Giant Constrictor Snake2900 to  2250
51d4 + 1 Will-o’-Wisp2900 to 2250
61d8 + 1 Ettercaps2 900 to 4050
71 Yuan-ti Abomination72900
82d4 Giant Elk2900 to 3600
91d4 + 1 Wight3 1400 to 3500
101d6 + 1 Yuan-ti Malisons31400 to 4900

Tier 3

RollEncounterCRTotal XP
11 Orc Eye of Gruumsh with 1d3 Ogre 
    and 2d10 + 5 Orc
450 to 1350
700 to 1500
2 2d4 Wights31400 to 5600
31d6 + 2 Phase Spiders32100 to 5600
41 Grick Alpha with 2d4 Gricks7 and 22900, 900 to 3600
51d10 Water Elementals51800 to 18,000
61d3 Yuan-ti Abominations72900 to 8700
71d4 Giant Apes72900 to 11,600
83d6 Wereboars43300 to 19,800
91 Guardian Naga105900
101 Adult Green Dragon1513000

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